Textpower FileUPloader®
What is FileUploader®?
FileUploader® is a TextPower app that makes uploading files to the TextPower system easy and convenient. Keeping opt-in lists up to date is an important aspect of ensuring that TextPower text communications are effective. The primary purpose of the upload process is to opt-in, opt-out, suspend, or re-instate phone numbers to campaigns/keywords that you specify. The file upload process is also used to add tags to or remove tags from phone numbers. If you’re not presently using integrated API-level automation (such as an OMS integration), then you will want to update the TextPower lists regularly to keep communications lists accurate. FileUploader® makes it easier to manage manual file uploads regularly.
FileUploader® is The Way to Upload Files
In the past, if you were not using an automated API (computer to computer) instruction to upload the files, you used our Customer Portal to submit a file in the format we require. More recently, we included a tab on our AlertManager® application to allow you to upload the files there, in addition to the Customer Portal. Currently, some customers are using both methods, some use the portal, and some use AlertManager®.
We are consolidating the file upload process.
Access to the Customer Portal will be deprecated soon, in addition, we will be removing the ability to upload files from AlertManager®. Moving forward, all customers who initiate the file upload themselves must use the FileUploader® App.
What are the benefits of FileUploader®?
For customers initiating file uploads themselves, FileUploader® makes it easy to upload files to TextPower regularly to ensure TextPower opt-in lists are up to date.
Is there a fee to use FileUploader®?
There are currently six mapping options for the format of the file you submit, which determines how the data upload is applied. One option is free and the other five require a subscription to our Automated List Processing Service. If you want to use one of the paid options, please contact us for pricing.
In order for you to use FileUploader®, we create and assign SFTP credentials for your campaign/keyword and assign the file mapping option you specify. You can use the SFTP credentials with any SFTP application to transfer the file. If you’re using FileUploader® these credentials are associated automatically with your account to make the file transfer.
Any customer can use FileUploader™, regardless of the file mapping option you choose.
Customers using Automated List Processing can also use FileUploader® if you prefer to initiate a file upload instead of, or in addition to, the automated process.
How is FileUploader® Accessed?
Visit: www.textpower.com/FileUploader
Login and then select the file you want to upload from your computer and click "Submit."
How do I get more information about FileUploader®?
Email sales@textpower.com or call/text 888-818-8808. We’d be happy to speak with you.