High speed throughput dramatically increased
Speed matters. Who doesn't want their high speed throughput dramatically increased? Whether it's the 40-yard stopwatch on a football prospect, the 0-60 MPH time on a sports car or the number of words per minute that you can type, faster is usually always better. When it comes to sending text messages to large numbers of people, faster is definitely better.TextPower has been sending messages reliably and quickly for years. We have the ability to automatically re-send a message if it has been sent to a carrier from which the end-user has moved (e.g., they've changed from AT&T to Verizon Wireless or from Verizon Wireless to Sprint, etc.) and our mission-critical infrastructure with dual server clusters - one on each side of the Mississippi River for backup safety - provides unsurpassed reliability in the event of a natural disaster.And we've always prided ourselves on our speed, of course. But now we have even more to brag about. Our bulk send (where the same message is sent to multiple numbers) speeds have been accelerated to more than 200 messages per SECOND! Simply put, this means that if you have to alert, say, 10,000 people about a power outage, an emergency security situation, an incoming storm, or a school closure, you can do that in LESS THAN A MINUTE! No other method can communicate as fast and as directly as text messaging and no other company does it better than TextPower. That is why we are and will always be the industry leader.And remember this: 95% of text messages are opened in less than three minutes, to say nothing of someone seeing the message on their screen. You can't say that about email, voicemail or other communication methods. Text is the most reliable form of communication.
Want your high speed throughput dramatically increased?
So when speed matters, choose text messaging. And when the quality of text messaging matters, choose TextPower.